Water transport

Karelkamen Shipping Company

Successfully organises transportation by inland water transport

General information

12 years successfully organises transportation of a wide range of cargoes by inland waterway transport

The company's shipping division carries out inland waterway transportations, providing transportation of both crushed stone and a wide range of cargoes for various charterers. The company's fleet transports about 1.4 million tonnes of cargoes of a wide range of products annually

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  • 1012345678901,401234567890400123456789000012345678900

    Tonnes of cargoes of a wide range of products are transported annually by the company's fleet

  • 50123456789050012345678900001234567890000123456789000012345678900

    Tonnes - The total deadweight of our vessels

  • 30

    25 vessels (self-propelled motor vessels and barge towing units) of various types and projects

Nomenclature of cargoes

  • Rolled metal products of various assortment
  • Timber cargoes (sawn timber, balances, plywood strand, wood chips)
  • Equipment, large tonnage and oversized cargoes
  • Construction aggregates
  • Grain cargoes (wheat, barley, corn)
  • Sand
  • Metal scrap
  • Fertilisers and salt
  • Metal shavings
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